Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Tonight Mom was having some more turkey tacos.  (I'm very glad about it.  Maybe she will have them every day, like I have dog food every day.  What could be better than turkey tacos?  Except for maybe my dog food.  That's pretty tasty stuff.)  She doesn't give me food from her plate but sometimes she'll set stuff on the ground for me to eat.  Sometimes it's yucky stuff like peas or ice.  Sometimes it's amazing stuff like turkey or hamsicles.  Today it was turkey.  Once she set some down and I was on the other side of the table from it.  It's kind of a little table, littler than me.  But I LOVE turkey and you know the fastest way to get to what you want is a straight line; so, I walked right under the table.  I sort of lifted it up on my back like an elephant with a rider, but I didn't notice until after I was done with the turkey...yum.

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